The Tech Ambassador of Denmark made a visit to Bandung Techno Park on Thursday (19/1). This visit discussed opportunities for collaboration and cooperation from Telkom University with Denmark in the University environment.

The visit was attended by the Development Policy Officer from the Embassy of Denmark, Vilma Lewis Clemmensen and Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Office of the Tech Ambassador). During this visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is currently expanding its collaboration with universities in Indonesia regarding research innovation in the field of technology.

On this visit Prof. Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, S.T., M.Eng had the opportunity to present material on Quantum Machine Learning (QML) innovation to develop 5G and 6G technology (information theory, coding theory, machine learning, and quantum technology).

During this visit, the Tech Ambassador of Denmark was interested in collaborating with Telkom University. Telkom University, which already has channels and platforms to synergize research downstream pathways to enter into the commercialization process, one of which can be supported by Bandung Techno Park and working with various stakeholders, for example for QML research led by Prof. Khoirul collaborates with other educational institutions (ITB) and the government (Kemenristek BRIN), as well as several other domestic and foreign agencies that can support to facilitate the implementation of this research.